This post is part of Sunday Set Lists over on Fred McKinnon's blog.
Set List:
Grace and Peace (Fernando Ortega)--another Fernando piece this week. This is a quote from the beginning of the book (1:3) and we had all of the "Grace and Peace " scriptures scrolling through this part (A trio sang this to open)
Great Things (Maher) we used this song during the series--so we reprised it. Great song--great track--GREAT THINGS!
Welcome/End of our Shoe Campaign-we collected 600 pair of shoes for BUCKNER INTERNATIONAL.
This Is The Gift of God (Cartee) Another song that I heard at RECREATE this year was perfect for the series--so we reprised it too. See a trend?
Awesome In This Place (?) Oldie but a goodie----haven't sung this one in a while
Undying Love (Altrogge) This song stuck with me the first time I heard it almost 6 years ago. Because Paul closes the book with "Grace to all with an undying love"--we sang this one.
I Worship You Almighty God (Altrogge)--another oldie but goodie---great combination on these two.
How was your Sunday? Next Sunday we head into the book of Jonah. Any suggestions? No fishy songs, ok?