Worship Confessional, November 21, 2010

This post is part of Sunday Set Lists over on The Worship Community Blog, where worship leaders share their lists from Sunday services.

Today was our Thanksgiving service although technically we'll do a little thanksgiving next weekend.  It's always tough to jump right into Christmas, but ADVENT does begin next Sunday

Set List

Video--Thanksgiving 2010 (Floodgate Productions)

Morning Message--How to Have  a 'S'uper Thanksgiving

"Strive For Honor, Evemore...."

I realize I may be late to the dance on the subject of this post, but I have these thoughts running around in my head today.

We attended the Tech-Missouri game last night in Jones AT&T Stadium.  We sat far away from the student section but what happened during the school songs had me sitting there in disbelief and disgust in the manner in which schools and their fans visiting Lubbock are treated (Regardless of how we are treated in other towns, we should rise above it and show some civility)

During the playing of the Missouri school song there arose a clamor from the student section trying to drown out the opposing team's song and in our section on the west side there were words exchanged between younger students sitting behind us and a older gentleman below us as they argued over what should be the proper decorum during the songs.

And then, the students who were leading the charge began to belt out these words from the school song
"strive for honor, evermore, long live the Matador"   I couldn't sing.  I was ashamed at what had just taken place and wondered where the disconnect between Tech's school pride and it's activity at the games had come from.

Even when we were at the lowest of the totem pole in the Southwest conference (you can tell how far back I go) and we didn't win very often, we carried our school pride forward in good sportsmanship and civility. What I witnessed last night was nothing short of a controlled mob (I don't care if you call it home field advantage or not--there's just something not right about it) and I wondered if Tech's success in winning had led it to believe that their wins warranted their behavior.  If so--then let the losses abound on the campus of Texas Tech and let us return to a college of West Texas who is proud of where we are, and where we come from.  Let us leave behind the ideas of trying to live up to this big school or that school.

It continued when my 13 year old son came back and asked me "Dad, are those the real words to the fight song"  (They have substituted cuss words for "we will hit'em, we will wreck'em---you fill in the blank)  I told him "no son--those aren't the real words."   Another moment of disappointement.

What can be done to remedy this?  I don't know.  Maybe Texas A&M has the right idea with Fish Camp where every student coming in has to spend a week learning the traditions of the university and carrying forth the pride of those who have gone before and those who will come behind.

Right now, I don't know if I could send my senior daughter to Tech and be assured that the same wonderful university that nurtured and educated me would do the same for her.   It just made me sad.

RT:  Tech President Hance calls for civility

Worship Confessional, November 7, 2010

This post is part of Sunday Set List over on The Worship Community Blog where worship leaders share their Sunday song and worship lists.  

Today was International Orphan Sunday, and although we didn't fashion the service around it, we included it in portions of the service and it went along well with our topic of God's nature-loving.

Set List


Orphans of God ( we used this song in 2006 for our Christmas music EVERYTHING GLORIOUS)  When I saw that it was on the suggested list of songs for Orphan Sunday-I thought it would be a good focus song for the day. We used this video behind the song for the focus time.

You Are God Alone (Foote)
How He Loves (Mc Millan)
Scripture Reading (about God's love--Deut.7, Psalm 6, Psalm 91)
How Deep The Father's Love (Getty)
I Could Sing of Your Love (Smith)
Morning Message---Vision Quest-Loving
Oh How He Loves You And Me