Worship Post-fessional June 22, 2008

Worship Set Today
Responsive Reading--Psalms about Wisdom
I Will Boast ( Baloche)
Everlasting God (B. Brown)
Lord Reign In Me (B. Brown)
Fairest (New Life Worship arr. of hymn)  
Video Intro of Proverbs (Sermon Spice)
                                                     Eagle's Wings
                                                     Blessing--closing chorus of  Draw Me Close

Ok--today was a challenge.    It's summer--people are out and that usually means having to shuffle things.  The vocal team was a mix of both teams--we're having to sub a lot this summer. That makes it challenging with folks who are used to others singing with them.  My drummer was out and so was sub #1 and sub#2--so that meant some type of artifical rhythm.  Thank good ness for Garage Band.   Had it all set and going in the first song and my in ears die (bad battery) and I can't hear anymore if we're with the track or not--so I have to kill it and go sans drums in the first song.  That was frustrating--but not unpredicted today.

Otherwise--it was okay.  This must have been the Sunday that everyone decided to do vacation.  I went into one of our normal busting young adult rooms--and there was 1 lady. The young couples across the hall had all gone on a trip together.  Needless to say--we were low in attendance today and may be for the next three weeks with 4th of July coming.

How was your Sunday?


Paul Fowler said...

Sounds like a "fun" day for you. We had a great day. Our theme was "Grace Givers" and we used a lot of songs about God's grace: Grace (Stuart Townend)
Your Grace is Enough
Grace that is Greater
Let the Rain Come (Simon Brading)
- love this song!
Jesus Saves (new by Tim Hughes)
and Amazing Grace (Tomlin version)
The church was packed becuase we are back to 1 service so it was pretty electric! Simply a really good day!

drjvan7 said...

our day was great - choir was "ON" as many were back from vacation - sang the old arr. of HE NEVER FAILED ME YET - it is still so singable - in the right key - and communicates greatly the promise of God - then - the pastor preached out of Jonah - a great salvation message that our song supported/went with so well - that is the HS giving us both guidance - PTL
what a great time to be at a great church with a great pastor - Praising My Savior, all the day long
ps - jim drake would hate it here - but no matter - he's way out in the texas flatlands somewhere and GOD is doing a unique work here that I'm thrilled to be a part of - TO GOD BE THE GLORY - jvm