What a difference a week makes. Had everyone back (but my flute player who was sick--Marie, we missed you) and had the full contingent of the Worship Choir/Sr. Adult Choir.
Other than a technical glitch with the backing trax, it all went well. We had another Interim pastor prospect preach this week. Hopefull we'll get that settled in a week or so.
Set List:
Are You Washed In The Blood (Brentwood-Benson 30 Minute Choir) Great to have both choir groups together on this song.
Nothing But The Blood (G3 Worship arr)--good up tempo version of this hymn. We hadn't done this one in a while.
Beautiful The Blood (G3 Worship arr). Steve Fee song that we hadn't done before. It fit will with the opening theme.
Jesus Messiah (G3Worship Arr)-- still love this song, and I think they do too!
Jesus Saves! (Travis Cottrell song)--introducing this one this week. We'll do it a bunch for the Christmas season. Great song, great Trax Dave!--ended it with the chorus of the hymn (We Have Heard The Joyful Sound) Jesus Saves! Jesus Saves!
Morning Message-DEFINING CHURCH (Ed Ethridge)
Nothing But The Blood (Redman)---a modern version of the old hymn, good contrast. hadn't sung this one in a long time too.
Big Enough God (Riddle)--from our Jonah series. I'm always surprised how a song we've sung a lot in one season can sit for a while and come back so fresh to the worship experience.
Video out...
How was your Sunday?