This post is part of Sunday Set Lists over on
The Worship Community where you can see what other churches did today in Worship.
Today was a challenge... technically! It was just a plethora of things that you can never anticipate. I haven't had one of these days in a long time and in the midst of it you want to scream. On the back side of it you just want to learn what went wrong and correct it from ever happening again.
Set List:
Your Grace Is Enough (Maher). We love this song.. we really do, but right from the beginning I could tell something was wrong. Turns out that the Key correction we made in rehearsal was reversed (we had it printed in A, but I wanted it in G--but we went back to A, but played it in G) Train wreck with the trax! I didn't know what happened until the break in the songs. People just were looking at me like Deers into the headlines. I felt like a cheerleader leading a new cheer.
Awesome Is The Lord (Tomlin) We got back on track on this one (Literally, the trax worked on this one)
Welcome/Announcements/ Prayer Focus on Haiti and the Americas)
Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone) Worship Choir
Do It Lord (Tommy Walker) Second week on this songs... I love it and the Praise team and choir love it...may take a while for the congregation to really own it.
You Are My King (Foote)---old standby that made us feel comfortable again.
Message--The Purpose of The Church
This is the second week that we've had Battery issues on Ed's mic. Last week it was dead and this week it was dying (clip, clip, clip). I had to sneak up in his prayer and take is module away and give him my mic. Nothing like a short bald man sneaking up on the pastor during his prayer. Anyway--frustrating! My new mantra is EVERY BATTERY EVERY WEEK from now on. It's just got to become part of our discipline.
How Great Is Our God (Tomlin)--enough said!
Introduction of New Members!
So--how was your Sunday?