Another Sunday... and I sit here looking back and looking forward. I've said in recent post how the Month of May has seemed like an endless promotion for this or that (missions here, VBS, Camps, graduates, moms, babies dedicated, shoes collected, dinners, testimonies, business meetings, departures, etc). Maybe it's just the musician in me, but for me worship (the act of the, the engagement in and the appreciation of the function of) has taken a back seat this month to all of the business of church.
We have continually shortened our worship portion in order to accomodate all of these special events this month. Sitting there this morning the thought came to me that it's going to take a while to get back into the groove of worship (meaning really engaging in worship ) in the coming months and that won't be easy with people beginning to leave for vacations. I guess for summer it will be a sensitivity how to get people back in the mindset of participating in worship.
I understand that when the church gathers that information must be communicated about group life, but hear me when I say that at some point "everyone's announcement that is urgent and necessary" becomes more dialogue to ourselves about ourselves and not about God. Worship is for and to God. I'm afraid that we've lost that meaning.
Bless The Lord
Recognition of our Interim Teaching Pastor--Ed Ethridge. This was Ed's last day with us as he heads back to the Metroplex to be interim at another church closer to home.
Missions Moment--Australia --Sarah Carpenter, member of our praise team is leaving in July for Hillsong Leadership College in Sydney. Sarah shared not only about Hillsong but about the spiritual condition of Australia. We also prayed for one of our students leaving for Kenya this week.
Recognition of Senior Class---Prayer time for these graduates.
Immortal Invisible
From The Inside Out
Morning Message-- What To Say On A New Day-Ed Ethridge
Here and Now
Next Sunday we begin our summer series BECOMING A HEALTHY CHURCH.
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