School Days, School Days...

The 2010 school year has officially begun and we've taken the official photograph for the year (see left).

Our tradition is to wake up early and head to the donut shop for first morning celebration.  We started this with Taylor 12 years ago in Sweetwater when we would head to Doris' Sweet Shop before dropping them off.  We've continued it in every city that we've lived in.

Although school officially started yesterday, in reality we have been in school mode since the beginning of August with summer band, football practices, officer meetings and such.  Where did the dog days of summer go when we used to go to school the day after Labor Day.  These last few days of August used to be the most relaxing.

Not so anymore. Yesterday evening was Band Rehearsal and Band Booster meeting. Tonight is Choir Booster meeting and Thursday are tryouts for the Fall Musical.  Then we top it all off on Friday night with our first football game (and oh yeah--Choir Fundraiser supper)  See what I mean.

School days... school days..