We Will Remember (Tommy Walker)

I've been asked several times this morning about the song that we sang yesterday just before the message about Remembrance.  This is a Tommy Walker song that I learned about a year ago and just now has come back on my radar.  You have to know as a Worship Pastor you are exposed to so many new songs and there are only so many "new" songs you can teach in a year.

I find good ones like this and just wait for the spirit to say "now". Yesterday was the "now" moment for this song in our midst.

It's just a hopeful song and I hope that it continues to bless as we sing it.

What new songs are you singing?


Randall said...

Jim--after you told me about this song I went you Youtube and found the video of Prestonwood's choir singing it (with Bradley Knight)--it's awesome and I think we'll probably use it as a choir special first. I'm also going to put the video up on Synergy site soon!