Jimmy, Jimmy

You’ve never lived until you’ve been wanded by an Indian security guard at the Dehli aiport while he’s looking at your passport and singing “JIMMY, JIMMY”. Huh? He said it was a famous song over here, but I wasn’t too sure as he looked me in the eyes. Scary.
Boarded the plane this morning--we gringos were late. Evidently they had moved the flight time up on us since we booked in December and they were waiting for us. The pilot in a not so sublte way apologized to everyone else on board for the late comers. I believe he said “ We don’t know what delayed them, but they had some excuse.” Thanks!
Spicejet is the equivalent to Southwest. Flight was full and the service was different. We were offered small bottles of water and mints and sugar cookies (Could I have a Diet Dr. Pepper please!)
We met our company man here. He drove us around and to our hotel. Not staying the same place that last year’s manager stayed when they were here visiting the company.
AMD is a different town. Basically the size of LBB but reminds me a lot of GUA. I observed a wedding taking place this morning ( or at least the procession to the wedding-very colorful and tradition rich)
Going to rest a bit before I head out to lunch with company reps.