The Star-Spangled Banner

The Star Spangled Banner (1915)
Tonight I accompanied the Snyder Junior High choirs for their fall concerts.  It's always good to be around young musicians and see their development.

Then the High School choir gave their fall presentation and did a great job.  I especially liked "MY GOD IS A ROCK" (in a weary land--O how weary our land is today!)

The final number was THE NATIONAL ANTHEM.  I heard them this afternoon practicing it and I honestly wept.  How timely it was at this point in our nation's history to remind us of the LAND OF THE FREE AND THE HOME OF THE BRAVE.   I did it again tonight when they sang--the tears flowed down my cheeks as I thought about my kids (1 of which was on stage) and the future of this land.   I'm weary and worn from this election.  I don't know how it will turn out--but I know who holds tomorrow and it isn't a political party or even a political candidate.  My faith and trust is in the Everlasting God.   He indeed is a shelter in the time of storm and a rock of refuge in a weary land.