ADVENT BEGINS-A Family Journey Through The Season

Tonight we'll begin our Advent journey as a family. We'll use the Advent Calendar we got from John Piper's church last year.  Each evening we will sit down as a family and read the scriptures together and then one of the kids will get to place one of the pieces of the manger scene on the piece of burlap.
We were really surprised how much the kids enjoyed this last year.  It was the last thing that we did together each night before they went to bed.

Are you observing Advent this year?   What resources have you come across?


Michelle Weger said...

Hey Jim- yeah Jesus Messiah came to me about halfway through the sermon. A rather "aha!" moment for me at the last second! We have begun rehearsing Christmas music. I plan to throw in a song the 14, maybe a couple the 21st and then our Christmas Eve service will be all Christmas music.