Something Old:
BST's Blog-- This is the blog of Brandon Scott Thomas, former worship leader at Otter Creek in Nashville. Brandon and I have only met once, but have mutal friends in Jeff Berry and Rich Smith. Brandon is in a new season of life and doing a new work with Cruise ships and their entertainment. Still doing ZOE conferences here and there, Brandon is always on the move.
Something New:
WithoutWax- Pete Wilson's site (pastor at Cross Point in Nashville). Pete and I have connected through our blogs and he's fast becoming one of the people that I'm watching and listnening to. His "PLAN B " series that he's just finishing is amazing and is feeding my soul. His title WITHOUT WAX means that there is no cover, no hidden agenda, no mask to his writing. That is exactly true--I find his authenticity to be very real and refreshing. When we're in Nashville again, we're worshipping with my brother Pete!
Jim, it's been a pleasure to get to know you through your blog. I can't wait to spend some time with you whenever your in town.
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