Worship Post-Fessional May 4, 2008

Today began our 125th Anniversary Celebration. We're having meetings through Wednesday evening with special speakers and guest musicians.

You'll see the picture to the right of Shawn Davis (Bass) David Trevey (Drums) Wes Martin (Elect. Acc. Guitar) and Rich Smith (piano/lead worshiper). Also pictured it Steve Hardin who is a friend to these guys. (Jeff Berry--we missed you and dedicate this picture to you).

This morning was a mix of songs. We combined both our traditional and contemporary services for the AM. It is always hard to find the right balance for these moments--but I think we did ok today.

OH MY MY ( a "southern gospel" opener) combined Worship/Sr. Adult Choirs
Welcome to Guests
Your Grace Is Enough
Come Thou Fount, Come Thou King
Your Name
How Great Is Our God
How Great Thou Art
He's Always Been Faithful --another choir thingy
Closer was Here I Am To Worship/ I surrender all

Come Now Is The Time To Worship
You Alone
Be Thou My Vision
Closer--Draw Me Close

It's always great to be around great Christian artists and friends. It's giving me the chance to be behind the scenes producing the services and spending time with the tech crew (since I can't do this when I lead). Gives me a new perpsective on the congregation side of worship.

We're all really tired tonight and have 3 more days to go. I'll keep you posted.