411Fit.com---My online food journal

Overall Grade A- Very Good
Why Did I Get This Grade?
Your overall grade is based on contributions from the following:
40% of your grade is from today's nutrition. Grade : B+ why?
40% of your grade is from this week's exercise. Grade : A+ why?
20% of your grade is from your overall progress. Grade : B+ why?

Since August I have been journaling every bit of food and drink that have come into my mouth. It's been a daunting task, but now I have the hang of it and I look forward to seeing how my day panned out and where I made good and bad choices along the way. I would recommend 411fit to anyone trying to get in shape and get a hold of their health and eating habits. It is extremely easy to use and counts not only your nutritional values, but you can keep track of your exercise here too.

It's true what they say--knowledge is power and when you see where you are spending your nutritional points, you know why you are stuck in the ditch or moving down the highway. Give this site a try and see if it helps you. It did (and does) me!