Today was a good day. We were down--but lots ( I MEAN LOTS ) of people that I know were on vacation, and our team of kids/sponsors were on their way back from Student Life camp. Regardless, we had a good day of worship.
Set List:
Announcements--up front this them out of the way.
Opening Video:
Mission Focus- Germany (We had our friends Jason and Cheryl Dietz and their family here as they talked about their work in Dresden and the Saxony Region. They lead HOPE FOR SAXONY. It was good to talk to them and realize that some of the same work they are doing there in starting churches (healthy churches) is what we are trying to accomplish here.
Dresden Video from Amy K. Harris on Vimeo.
Offertory Prayer
Jesus Messiah
The Stand
Mighty To Save
Morning Message---Becoming A Healthy Church: Family-Dave Bilderback
Your Name (Baloche)
(Wanted to close with Song For My Family
How was your Sunday?
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