Worship Confessional, February 14, 2010

This post is part of Sunday Set List over on The Worship Community's blog site:

Back in the saddle again, I led worship today for the first time since Jan. 24. With our DNOW service and me being gone for RECREATE last week, it's been a nice break and one that is needed from time to time in order to rest my voice and my spirit. It's hard to go at it 50 weeks out of the year and there are some needed resting spots to keep going at this. I've been doing this 23 years now!

Set List:

Welcome/Announcements/Offering--moved all of this to the front this week. Sometimes sticking it in the middle of the service seems to break our flow. So, as they say in baseball--time for a switch up!

Video--Prayer emphasis-Argentina

Love The Lord (Lincoln Brewster)
Holy Is The Lord (Tomlin)
How He Loves
Worship Choir--Revelation Song/Holy, Holy

Morning Message--End of our Love Series

I Stand Amazed In The Presence
How He Loves (Chorus)
Enough (Tomlin)

How was your Sunday?