
Ok... I've done it this week. I've unplugged from the Wired world for a week in order to reconnect with my family and myself.

All of these blogs this week have been pre-posted so that I can spend this week of vacation with my family as we see the West and enjoy some time together before school starts.

This week:
1) No email. No blogging. No Twittering. No Drudgereport. Nothing. If I saw news--it had to be on TV. I'll let you know about my re-entry next Sunday.
2) No cell phone. I left it off. I left an emergency number with family and with 1 person in town. Other than that I was unreachable.
3) No church publications or readings. I could have filled my car with the magazines and articles that I've been saving to read. I could read the latest book on ministry--I didn't.

So tell me, how do you unplug on vacation?