Good Night and Good Morning

As we keep heading east, we continue to move into new time zones. While in Rome, I was 7 hours ahead and now we are into the Athens/Istanbul time zone which puts us 8 hours ahead of home.

At some point it gets very confusing of what it really is. My body is used to waking up around 5:00 AM Texas time. Let’s see.. that would be around 3:00 PM in the afternoon.

While on deck yesterday morning, I could see the sun rising in the East and the Moon rising in the west. I thought about the song of being caught between the moon and New York City--but I was caught between the moon and the sun somewhere in the midst of the Med. ocean.

As I said yesterday, it was a pretty rock day at sea. I think the afternoon convection heated up the water and made it pretty choppy. I finally had to lay down in the afternoon and just let my body get used to the motion. Right now, as of 7 AM in the morning, it’s pretty smooth sailing and I can’t tell if we’re moving or not.

I’m up early to go work out and to get some quiet time in before the day begins. We’re docking around 2PM this afternoon and will see the sun set on Santorini Greece which I hear is amazing. Sorry there are no pictures so far--it’s just too expensive to spend the time uploading them.



Diane said...

I can't wait to see the pictures. Holly said Santorini is beautiful.