Running In Rome (Day 2)

I didn’t sleep well last night. I was quick to sleep around 10 PM (3 PM Texas time) but was quickly awake at 12:45 AM and couldn’t get back to sleep until 4:30 or so (which one of you was talking about me? hmmm?)

The alarm to get up and run at 6:00 AM came as a jarring wake up and I really considered sleeping in. I did sleep a little longer and awakened at 6:45. Quickly I dressed and went north of here to Piazza de Popolo (where we were yesterday). I turned left and went across the Tiber into Vatican City. I ran and ran until I hit the end of the street and took a left. This all looked very familiar since it is close to where the Vatican tour takes place and we had been here in 2006.

Just beyond the gate I entered into St. Peter square. I was so tempted to run in and around the square, but for some reason the police were really active there this morning. I decided to wave to the Holy Father and move along.

Down now to Castel San Angelo where I was yesterday I crossed back into Rome and continued to run up the Vittoria Emmanuel Blvd. It was getting close to 8:00 by now and so I headed back to the hotel.

I will never forget running here. To be greeted in the morning by the shopkeepers as they ready for the day --”Bon Giorno” and in great Texan I said “Howdy”. It will truly be a memory I will never forget. Thanks Rich for challenging me to run in Rome.

We’re moments away from leaving Rome and heading to the ship yards at Cittavechio, some two hours away. I might just fall asleep on the way there.