You're Not The Boss of My Life!

During a lunch date with my oldest child yesterday, we talked about life in general, but more specifically how she, growing up so fast, is encountering situations that are challenging her and trying to "rule" her life.

We laughed as we remembered a saying that Daniel, my youngest, used to say to his two older sisters as they tried to "steer" him as a young man in how to play when he was together with them in their playroom.   I remember that I used to hear sweet sounds of play and giggling but almost immediately I would hear Daniel yell "You're not the boss of my life!" as he stormed out of the room.  Ah, the lessons that childhood teaches you.
In talking about this, Taylor and I discussed what it means to stand for your own convictions, beliefs and values.   We talked about how differing opinions and agendas will often clash with your own.  She must learn now to stand up for herself.
It's a lesson she must learn now and one that I need to remind myself daily to do.  People will come at you with agendas and lists and wants.  I need to legitimately weigh them against the situation and my core values, elsewise I am a flip-flopper and a people pleasing fool!   
There's only one boss in my life-Jesus!  I must listen to him first and with great intent and then I'll know how to answer on the "playground of life" when my own situation arises.

How do you answer the question "who is the boss of your life?"