Our Twittering Congregation

A post tonight on Clayton Bell's site  listed tonight all of their congregation who was on Twitter.  So I thought I would the same thing for our congregation here.  Here goes:

1) @fbcjdrake

Yep, that's it.  I'm the only one who Twitters, and in fact I'm the only one in my town.  It's a little lonely being a Twitter evangelist--but I don't lose heart.  Little by little they are hearing more and more about Twitter and who I connect with.

How beautiful are the feet of them who bring the good news of TWITTER!
HT: Clayton Bell


Jan Owen said...

Jim, several in our church supposedly twitter, but they update like every week or so, or once a month!!! so it's useless. and lonely. the only reason my twitter updates matter to anyone around me is a) they update my facebook status and b) they read my blog. real time help - none at all.