Strengths- Achiever

Continuing with my posts on Strengths......
Today's strength is Achiever.  This is a characteristic that I've struggled with for some time as it can be a negative--but for me it seems to be the driving force for each project and each goal that I've set.

  • Instinctively, you might devote some of your attention to immediate tasks or challenges. This partially explains why you give yourself time to comprehend what you read on the printed page or the computer screen.
  • Diligence, persistence, and concentration might be three of your distinguishing traits. It’s very likely that you feel greatly rewarded when your hours of hard work are acknowledged.
  • You truly treasure compliments from people who share your strong work ethic. By nature, you traditionally determine for yourself and others what should be done. After you have made up your mind, you typically waste little time moving forward with projects or assignments.
  • Driven by your talents, you are eager to get started on a project once you realize what you can accomplish in the coming weeks, months, or years.
  • You work very hard to breathe life into your big dreams. These often push and pull you into the future.
  • Chances are good that you are determined to talk about the talents, skills, and knowledge you possess. You realize you receive much in return when you risk sharing your thoughts and expertise.
  • You improve personally or professionally each time you participate in the give- and-take process.
All of these characteristics are so action oriented.   The struggle comes for me in making sure that my motives are always in check, that I'm not trying to accomplish things in the flesh and in my own human talent, but trying to operate in the spiritual realm.    The life that is breathed into my dreams comes only from Him.

So what are your strengths?