Today we focused on Spiritual Disciplines. We're coming to the end of this series next week and we wanted to reinforce the importance of spiritual growth and maturity in a healthy church.
Instead of doing an overview of the disciplines, Robbie chose CONFESSION and ACCOUNTABILITY to focus on this morning.
Baptist Church Builders of Texas Wrap Up (Video)--This is a group from our church that has been going for 30+ years each summer to give a week to a church to help them build
Church Builders 2010 from Jim Drake on Vimeo. (Yes, I know I misspelled Summer in the video..oops)
Mission Focus--Egypt--We did a Skype Video call to my friend Mark Jaffrey in Cairo, Egypt. He's serving a church there as worship pastor. Talked to him about life in Egypt and how we can pray for them. (Wish the video had worked--it did in pratice at 9:40! Oh well, the joys of technology) But it was really cool to hear his voice and to say "howdy" to him. He gave us some specific things to pray for Egypt this week (and I can't wait to see him again in February at RECREATE)
Bless The Lord
Come Thou Fount, Come Thou King
Worship Rises
Morning Message: Becoming A Healthy Church- Spiritual Disciplines
Change My Heart O God/Here And Now
So how was your Sunday?
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